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Winged Creature with the Head of an Eagle, John: The high soaring eagle represents John because in his narrative he rises to loftiest heights in dealing with the mind of Christ.
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226 symbols (10 September 2016). Acknowledgements.

More symbols: Abingdon Press has books with symbols. and provide many symbols. Also try PlanetGast and the Orthodox Church in America.
Random: [OT Jeremiah 11:15] What hath my beloved to do in mine house, seeing she hath wrought lewdness with many, and the holy flesh is passed from thee? when thou doest evil, then thou rejoicest.
Gospel, Barnabas: Included among the apostles, although like Paul he was not of the Twelve. Tradition says he was especially successful as a preacher, hence the Gospel in the symbol.
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Winged Creature with a Lion's Face, Mark: The winged lion represents Mark because his Gospel narrative begins with, "The voice of one crying in the wilderness", and this suggests the roar of a lion.
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Keys, Peter: The crossed keys recall Peter's confession and our Lord's gift to him of the keys of the kingdom. See Matt. 16:18,19.
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Sheep, The Twelve Apostles: The apostles have been symbolized as a group as well as individually. In one place, twelve doves are used; in another, twelve men are shown, each with a sheep. Some very early carvings represent the apostles as twelve sheep.
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Andrew's Cross: Tradition says that while Andrew was preaching in Greece he was put to death on a cross of this type.
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Ship, Jude: This apostle traveled far on missionary journeys, hence the ship.
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Chalice, John: Early writers state that John once drank from a poisoned chalice and was unharmed.
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Twelve Pointed Star, Star of the Apostles: From a Christian perspective, represents the 12 apostles. Search for STAR to see all star symbols.
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Bread, Philip: A cross and two loaves of bread, because of Philip's remark when Jesus fed the multitude. John 6:7.
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Knives, Bartholomew: Bartholomew is said to have been flayed alive, hence he is usually represented by three flaying knives.
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Shell, James (the greater): The scallop shell is the symbol of pilgrimage and stands for this apostle's zeal and missionary spirit.
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Purses, Matthew: Symbolized by three purses, referring to his original calling as a tax collector.
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Bible with Ax, Matthias: Chosen to take the place of Judas, he is symbolized by an open Bible and double bladed battle-axe. He is said to have been beheaded after his missionary work.
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St. Andrew's Cross: The form of cross traditionally associated with the crucifixion of the apostle Andrew, who supposedly requested a form of cross unlike that of his Lord.
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Carpenter's square and a spear, Thomas: A carpenter's square and a spear, because this apostle is said to have built a church with his own hands, in India. Later, he was persecuted there and was killed with a spear by a pagan priest.
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Winged Creature with the Head of an Ox, Luke: The winged ox (an ox being an anumal of sacrifice) represents Luke, who stresses the atoning sacrifice of Jesus.
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Saw, James (the lesser): Represented by a saw, since it is said his body was sawn asunder after a terrible martyrdom.
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Bible, Paul: Referred to as the "Apostle to the Gentiles," but not one of the twelve apostles. Symbolized by an open Bible with the words "Spiritus Gladius" (sword of the Spirit), and behind the Bible the sword of the Spirit itself.
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Winged Creature with a Man's Face, Matthew: The winged man represents Matthew because his Gospel narrative traces Jesus' human genealogy.
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Book on Fish, Simon the Zealot: This symbol is a book upon which rests a fish, because through the power of the Gospel Simon became a great fisher of men.
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Nimbus (halo): The nimbus has come to be emblematic of sanctity and to denote a person recognized for unusual piety, such as, apostles, martyrs, and saints.
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Chalice and Cross . Crown of Thorns and Nails 1 . Crown of Thorns and Nails 2 . Winged Creature with the Head of an Eagle, John . Jesus as a Palestinian . Gospel, Barnabas . All-Seeing Eye . Fallen idol, St. Cornelius . Prayer, St. Mary, wife of Cleophas (Cleopas) . Sheet music, St. Ambrose . Eight Pointed Star, Star of Regeneration . Nine Pointed Star, Star of the Fruits of the Spirit . Spoon, St. Raphael . Five Pointed Star, Epiphany Star, Star of Jacob 2 . Five Pointed Star, Epiphany Star, Star of Jacob 1 . Ship, St. Thaddaeus . Winged Creature with a Lion's Face, Mark . Grapes . Keys, Peter . Lamb Standing with the Banner of Victory . Lily, St. Gabriel . Greek Cross . Scroll, St. Theodore of Canterbury . Pen and sword, St. Alban . Censer . Circle . 1 Corinthians 10:18 . Sheep, The Twelve Apostles . Ascension . Andrew's Cross . Crucifix, St. Katherine (Catherine) of Sienna . Scale, St. Michael . St. George . Fish, Icthus and Cross . Upside down L with dots . Seven Pointed Star, Star of the Gifts of the Spirit . Arrows, St. Giles of Provence . Infant on Bible, St. Anthony of Padua . Elijah's Chariot of Fire . Celtic Cross, Cross of Iona . Dagger, St. Edward the Martyr . Chalice, St. Oswald . Animals, St. Francis . Eagle, St. Wenceslas . Ship, Jude . Fleur de Lis . Urn, St. Bede . Pillars, St. Athanasius . Bible, St. Denis (Dionysius) of Paris . Maltese Cross . IHS heart, St. Ignatius . Taoism . Sikhism . Chalice, John . Tau Cross . Twelve Pointed Star, Star of the Apostles . Crown and palm, St. Dorothy . Daisies, St. High of Grenoble . Souls of the Righteous . Jesus and Children . Shinto . Sword and Bible, St. Boniface . Ox, St. Antipas . Angel, female 2 . Angel, female 1 . Greek ruins, St. Titus . Stars with Orb, Star of the 12 Tribes . Bursting Pomegranate . Fire, St. Uriel . St. Augustine . Six-Pointed Star, Star of Creation, Star of David 1 . Coins, St. Nicholas . Monk, St. Ansgarius (Anskar) . Open Bible . Bread, Philip . Knives, Bartholomew . Iron bed, St. Lawrence . Eleven Pointed Star . Freemasonry . Stag, St. Eustace . Christmas Rose . Skull and Crossbones . Shell, James (the greater) . Calvary . Peacock . Scissors, St. Agatha . Bible, St. Martin . Pelican . Cross of Triumph . IHS ancient form . Scepter, St. Gregory . Purses, Matthew . Bible with Ax, Matthias . Crown, St. Louis . Anchor Cross . Butterfly . St. Andrew's Cross . Snakes, St. Hilda . Burning Torch . Jainism . Triquetra . Ax and crown, St. Olaf . Chi Rho . Circle and Triangle . Spiked wheel, St. Katherine (Catherine) of Alexandria . Purse, St. Cyril of Jerusalem . Horn, St. Hubert . Snake and shamrock, St. Patrick . Stag, St. Aidan . Hand of God 2 . Hand of God 1 . Carpenter's square and flowers, St. Joseph . Three-Rayed Nimbus . Beehive, St. Chrysostrum or Chrysostom . Arrows, St. Edmund . Mother and child, St. Elizabeth . Cannister, St. Mary Magdalen . Phoenix . Ax, St. Cyprian . Daisy . Bahai . Islam . Wheat . I.N.R.I. . Fish, Icthus 4 . Fish, Icthus 1 . Fish, Icthus 3 . Fish, Icthus 2 . Horse, St. Theodore Tyro . Candlestick . Shepherd boy, St. Cuthbert . Hat, St. Roch (Rocco) . Michelangelo's God . Ladder Crossed with Reed and Sponge . Stool, St. Mary of Bethany . Seamless Coat . Shepherd . Easter Eggs . Monastery, St. Gerald of Auriliae . Mountain, St. David . Marian Cross . Alpha and Omega . Equilateral Triangle . Empty tomb . Crown and Cross . Three Intertwining Circles . Tree, St. Bride (St. Bridget) . Lighthouse, St. Christopher . Carpenter's square and a spear, Thomas . Indigenous . Winged Creature with the Head of an Ox, Luke . Archangel Gabriel . Flowers, St. Mary . Anchor, St. Clement . Saw, James (the lesser) . Book, St. Bernard . Aureole . Bible, Paul . Palm Leaf . Shamrock, St. Gerald . Scroll, St. Asaph . Knives, St. Nathaniel . Buddhism . St. Faith . Six Pointed Star, Star of Creation, Star of David . Chi Rho with Alpha and Omega in a Circle . IHS modern form . Hinduism . Coat and stones, St. Stephen . Pen, St. Cyril of Alexandria . Winged Creature with a Man's Face, Matthew . Shield of the Trinity . Escallop Shell with Drops of Water . Celtic cross, St. Columba (St. Colum) . Pillar, St. Simeon . Harp, St. Cecilia . Book on Fish, Simon the Zealot . Fylfot, Swastika . Latin Cross . Confucianism . Coat, St. John the Baptist . Aspergillum and cup, St. Martha . Jerusalem Cross, Crusader's Cross . Dragon, St. Margaret . Russian Orthodox Cross . Club and stones, St. Timothy . Rope on cross, St. Julia . King, St. Charles (King Charles I) . Five Pointed Star, Pentacle . Lamb, St. Agnes . Flame of the Holy Ghost . Book, St. Chad . Book, St. Anne . Coat, St. Vincent . Cornerstone . Christ's cross, St. Helena (Helen) . Pincers, Dunstan . IHS, St. Monica . Cliff, St. Sylvanus . Pen, St. Hilary of Poitiers . Nimbus (halo) . Four Pointed Star, Bethlehem Star, Epiphany Star . Jesus Christ, Conqueror . Easter Bunny . Archangel Michael . Washing feet, St. Lioba . Dove with Branch . Zoroastrianism . Snail, shell, St. Lydia . Ship, St. Wilfrid (Wilfred) . No More Coat Hangers . Latin Cross, Five Pointed Star, Heart . Hawk, St. Basil . Dog with torch, St. Dominic . Cross on the Rock . Heart, St. Valentine . Baptism of Jesus . Dove . Bell . Cock . Lily . Lamb . Lamp . Rope . Ship . Three-Step Cross, Graded Cross .